my top 10 conan gray songs

 hi guys, welcome back to my blog. today, i'm going to be ranking my TOP 10 conan gray songs because i am a conehead, after all. so let's get into it! this will be from 10 down to 1

  • comfort crowd. this is a really great song by conan, but it isn't my favorite so i put it at 10.
  • fight or flight. i love this song. i really relate to the line "fight or flight, i'd rather lie then tell you i'm in love with you." 
  • checkmate. this was one of the first songs i ever listened to by conan, after heather and the story. and i love it when he says "holding your hand but in the other one... i'm holding a loaded gun. yeah, baby, you should really run-" 
  • the story. i love this song so much. i love the emotion in his voice in it. i love how he's really telling the story of life because at some point we all have to admit the hard truth that the world doesn't always work in our favor. but there's still a little bit of hope, as he says. "but i think that it could work for you and me"
  • the cut that always bleeds. this song is sooo good. like, literally, just look at the title. it's so poetic and beautiful. honestly almost makes me cry
  • maniac. this is a great song and i love conan's "angry" side. i just like his sped up songs a lot he makes them really good and i love the beat to them. his sad songs are great, too, he's just great at everything honestly
  • telepath. i became a fan of conan in 2021 from olivia rodrigo, so this was the first song he released that i was literally waiting for. i listened to it the same hour it was released. it was so good. he's amazing, the song is amazing <3
  • people watching. this song is soooo relatable, like actually. the chorus, the verses, the whole song! i think my favorite lyric would have to be "i cut peopleout like tags on my clothing. i end up all alone but i still keep hoping". 
  • heather. ok, so this song is iconic. this might be his most popular song but it's popular for a reason. december 3rd is like Heather Day now. it's great!! and heather must be drop-dead gorgeous if conan isn't as beautiful as her, just had to put that out there

and last.... but certainly not least, my #1 favorite conan song is-
  • ASTRONOMY!!! i didn't really think this song was great when i first listened to it but i kept on and kept on listening to it and i really loved it. i love the whole story of how you try your best to keep the relationship and magic you thought you once had... but in the end, it turns out you're completely different from each other. maybe because i cann relate? i dont know but i love this song so much. and i love conan so much!!!
so thank y'all for reading this post and please go listen to Kid Krow, conan's album and all of his other songs!! he is gorgeous and i love him so much.


  1. This was a great list, you made so many great points :)🥰❤️

  2. That was a great list!! You are so good at writing!😊


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