better nate than ever movie reveiw

 HEY guys, today i'm going to be reviewing the movie Better Nate Than Ever starring Rueby Wood, Aria Brooks, Joshua Bassett and more. it was directed by Tim Federle who also directs hsmtmts my absolute FAVORITE show. 

i loved this movie i would give it a 9 out of 10 which is really good. it was super cute, olivia rodrigo actually wrote two songs for it 'big time' and 'no one gets left behind'. i think it's super inspirational but some people do NOT like it. it's because they aren't theatre kids. us theatre kids get it. we are special.

i also thought the movie was funny and i loved the HOTTIE anthony (joshua bassett)

i would say more about the best character joshua bassett (trust me) but i'm not gonna rn

anyway that's what i thoughtr

add me on snap: joshy_bassett23

yes that's my username and it's been like that

love you, byeee

sorry this was short also i meant to publish this yesterday oop-


  1. My friend told me that High School Musical is so unrealistic! What do you think about that?

    1. it is unrealistic because life isn't a musical (sadly) but the series is realistic! they put the songs as things the characters are writing and not just randomly singing

    2. But would it not be great if you go to school and everyone starts singing and dancing?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. that WOULD be GREAT!!! i would be so happy

  2. Can you please comment on this post? Thanks!


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